{"xsrfToken":"6cca6c53afee48b052498c9b55685b093b10befa_lout","helpCenterBranding":{"logoUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/ccbed61c-0144-4968-aa80-bb8850a268e3/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJkY2ViZDVhYS1mOWMzLTRjNzItYjVkYi1jYjU0NTNjNjc1NmMiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOmNjYmVkNjFjLTAxNDQtNDk2OC1hYTgwLWJiODg1MGEyNjhlMyI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3MzY4Mzk5MjQsIm5iZiI6MTczNjgzOTMyNH0.Tmo7vQ-5kEfSYJc7m_fmgDQx1tDZpTWgx3EuMY67qmI&client=dcebd5aa-f9c3-4c72-b5db-cb5453c6756c&mode=fit","logoId":"ccbed61c-0144-4968-aa80-bb8850a268e3","isLogoAvailable":true,"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Champions IGA Order Portal","sharedPortalName":"Champions IGA Order Portal","userInitialAnnouncementMessageWiki":"<p>Champions IGA stores are commencing home deliveries to supply our valued customers who find themselves isolated at home during the current COVID-19 crisis. Deliveries will be available Monday to Friday. (No weekend or public holiday deliveries at this stage)</p>\n<p>As the delivery will be ‘contactless’, customers will be required to pay for their order via phone in advance (by Visa, Mastercard or AMEX). No cash payment upon delivery is available to ensure social distancing requirements are met and the safety of our customers and staff maintained.</p>\n<p>It is a minimum order of $50 to qualify for home delivery and fees will vary dependent on the distance from the store:</p>\n<div class=\"table-wrap\">\n <table class=\"confluenceTable\">\n <tbody>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">$7</td>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">Up to 5km</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">$10</td>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">5km to 10km</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">$15</td>\n <td class=\"confluenceTd\">*10km +</td>\n </tr>\n </tbody>\n </table>\n</div>\n<p>*10km+ Please check with your nearest store when deliveries will be made</p>\n<p>Our aim is to deliver all orders on the same day if received before 12 pm weekdays (except for orders which contain liquor or cigarettes which are subject to next day delivery laws). Deliveries received after 12 pm weekdays, and those containing liquor and/or cigarettes will be delivered the next day. Orders received over the weekend will be delivered on Monday.</p>\n<p>Once your order has been shopped in-store, one of our friendly staff will call you and advise the total cost and process your payment over the phone, advising an estimated delivery timeframe.</p>\n<p>You will receive a text from the driver as your order is on its way, and once confirmed you are at home your delivery will be left at your door. Please wait until our staff member has left to collect your order. (once again to ensure everyone’s safety).</p>\n<p>We look forward to continually offering the best possible service to our customers in this ever-changing environment. If you have any queries, please call your local Champions IGA store.</p>","translations":{"en-US":{"helpCenterTitle":"Welcome to the Champions IGA Order Portal","sharedPortalName":"Champions IGA Order Portal","announcementMessage":"Champions IGA stores are commencing home deliveries to supply our valued customers who find themselves isolated at home during the current COVID-19 crisis. Deliveries will be available Monday to Friday. (No weekend or public holiday deliveries at this stage)\n\nAs the delivery will be ‘contactless’, customers will be required to pay for their order via phone in advance (by Visa, Mastercard or AMEX). No cash payment upon delivery is available to ensure social distancing requirements are met and the safety of our customers and staff maintained.\n\nIt is a minimum order of $50 to qualify for home delivery and fees will vary dependent on the distance from the store:\n|$7 | Up to 5km|\n|$10 | 5km to 10km|\n|$15 | *10km +|\n*10km+ Please check with your nearest store when deliveries will be made\n\nOur aim is to deliver all orders on the same day if received before 12 pm weekdays (except for orders which contain liquor or cigarettes which are subject to next day delivery laws). Deliveries received after 12 pm weekdays, and those containing liquor and/or cigarettes will be delivered the next day. Orders received over the weekend will be delivered on Monday.\n\nOnce your order has been shopped in-store, one of our friendly staff will call you and advise the total cost and process your payment over the phone, advising an estimated delivery timeframe. \n\nYou will receive a text from the driver as your order is on its way, and once confirmed you are at home your delivery will be left at your door. Please wait until our staff member has left to collect your order. (once again to ensure everyone’s safety).\n\nWe look forward to continually offering the best possible service to our customers in this ever-changing environment. If you have any queries, please call your local Champions IGA store.","localeDisplayName":"English (United States)"}},"canEditAnnouncement":false,"siteDefaultLanguageTag":"en-US","userLanguageTag":"en-US","portalThemeColor":"#373737","helpCenterTitleColor":"#ffffff","bannerMediaApiUrl":"https://api.media.atlassian.com/file/4a546317-aa60-4880-808e-1f66bd286c33/image?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJkY2ViZDVhYS1mOWMzLTRjNzItYjVkYi1jYjU0NTNjNjc1NmMiLCJhY2Nlc3MiOnsidXJuOmZpbGVzdG9yZTpmaWxlOjRhNTQ2MzE3LWFhNjAtNDg4MC04MDhlLTFmNjZiZDI4NmMzMyI6WyJyZWFkIl19LCJleHAiOjE3MzY4Mzk5MjQsIm5iZiI6MTczNjgzOTMyNH0.6VQ0g-xY9HylgAH6OlYXQABIHo_fJRog8UBuG9p4Tsk&client=dcebd5aa-f9c3-4c72-b5db-cb5453c6756c&height=300&mode=fit","bannerMediaApiFileId":"4a546317-aa60-4880-808e-1f66bd286c33","useDefaultBanner":false,"isBannerAvailable":true,"hasTopBarBeenSplit":false},"forgotPassword":{"resetUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/user/forgotpassword"},"login":{"allowCookies":true,"contactAdminLink":"please contact your <a href=\"https://championsiga.atlassian.net/secure/ContactAdministrators!default.jspa\">Jira administrators</a>","elevatedSecurityCheckShown":false,"loginUrl":"/servicedesk/customer/user/login","canReset":true,"sdUserSignUpEnabled":true,"redirectUrl":"https://id.atlassian.com/login","aidEnabled":true,"loginAnnouncementSubject":"","loginAnnouncementMessage":"","loginAnnouncementLocale":""}}